Toward one’s preferred future
Sexual trauma can result in deep losses. Let’s name a few…loss of safety. Loss of voice. Loss of identity. Loss of relationships. While it is true that, sexual trauma can deeply affect every aspect of one’s life, each woman experiences and survives uniquely. Traumagenics is the art of understanding, processing, & mitigating [sexual] trauma.
Age at onset, relationship to the perpetrator(s), as well as presence or absence of a safe and emotionally intimate community, can have an effect on one’s ability to process the trauma(s). Learning to tell one’s story can be a powerful processing and mitigation tool for survivors. Storytelling can be done through verbalization and artistic expression.
Our Work
Round table discussions with international professionals
Integrated Freedom Approach implementation
HIV/AIDS testing and education
Therapeutic art
Mentoring leaders who work with sexually traumatized women and children
Language classes in a brothel that more than 700 women
Consulting with a safe community for women where they learn to make scarfs, bags, and jewelry during their time away from the brothel
Relationship building amongst other NGOs
Relationship and presence building with local workers in various cities
Multi-day training on trauma, sexual trauma, PTSD, CPTSD, body memories, Moral Injury
Introduction to the Integrated Freedom Approach
Therapeutic art
Teaching college students with regards to sexual trauma
Assessments for new works
Sex education for teen girls
Telling one’s story about the sexual violence one experienced, or is experiencing, can be both empowering and healing. To that end, these are some of the modes of expression we use TO undersrtand and mitigate [sexual] trauma
Academic papers
What happens to a woman’s body does not define her